New College of California, BA/MA, (Poetics) S.F., CA 1987 Rudolf Steiner College, Certificate Waldorf Education, Sacramento, CA 1972 Chouinard Art Institute (California Inst. Arts), Ceramics) L.A., CA 1969 Books & Chapbooks: Corresponding Flowers, Vernacular Editions, Sacramento, 1985 The Delta Poem, Vernacular Editions, Sacramento, 1987 Making the Good, Tooth of Time Press, Santa Fe, 1988 A Canto for the Birds, Tule Press, Sacramento, 1995 Gradual Map, Tangram Press, Berkeley, 1999 x-ing the Acheron, Poet’s Corner Press, Stockton, CA 2002 Chrysanthemum, Arcturus Press, Sacramento, Poets Corner Press, 2006 Oar, Rattlesnake Press, Pollock Pines, CA 2009 Auricle, (Letterpress) Ltd Ed, Commonlife Press, Burnsville, N.C. Anthologies: Landing Signals: An Anthology of Sacramento Poets,1985 With My Heart in my Mouth, ed. Paul Matthews, Bristol, England, 1995 Hot Flashes, Women Writers On the Change of Life, (Essay) ed. Lynne Taeztsch, Faber & Faber, 1996 One Hundred Poems: The Sacramento Anthology, Sacramento Poet Laureate Program, 2002 We Beg To Differ: An Anthology for Peace, Sacramento Poets Against the War, 2003 Best Poetry, Poet’s Corner Press, Stockton, CA, 2004 Cloud View Poets Anthology, ed. David St. John, Arcos Press, Sausalito, CA, 2005 The Ecopoetry Anthology, ed. Ann Fisher Wirth & Laura-Gray Street, Trinity University Press, 2013 Essays & Talks: The Rose of Hermetic Definition; A Look at H.D.'s Last Poem, The Taos Review, New Mexico, 1990 A Plea for Vision and the New Romanticism in Poetry, crftwrk, Sacramento, CA, 2009 Retinal Studies, TMWC, Reno, Nevada, 2007 Making Place; Three Strategies of Composition, Our Lives Stories, Sacramento, 2009 Dime Store Alchemy, Surprise Valley Writers Workshop, Cedarville, CA , 2010 Painting & The Language of Place, Surprise Valley Plein Air Painters Conference, Cedarville CA, 2012 Robert Duncan; Poet-Maker, Sacramento Poetry Center, Sacramento, CA 2012 Deep Listening, M.C.Richards: The Studio Crafts as Language Art, Black Mountain College Museum + Art Center, Asheville, N.C., 2013 On the Edge: Ecopoetry, Surprise Valley Writers Workshop, Cedarville, CA, 2014 Living A Making; Source in the Writing of M.C. Richards, Black Mountain College Museum +Art Center, Asheville, N.C., 2014 Plays: SHUT DOWN, a performance piece for incarcerated men, conceived & executed with high security inmates, performed in collaboration with theater artist, James C. Anderson, Mule Creek State Prison, Ione, 1996 SHATTERPROOF; A Performance Piece for 14 Women, written, compiled, edited and performed in collaboration with theater artist, Myrtle J. Stephens and the women of The Voices Project, Celebration Arts, Aug.-Sept. 1999 Publications: (the following is a selection of periodicals in which writing has appeared) NOTICE, 1981 (San Francisco); FOLIO, 1982 (Sacramento); QUERCUS 1981/84 (Sacramento); PINCHPENNY 1982/83 (Sacramento); ERGO 1986 (Seattle); TYUONYI (Santa Fe); THE TAOS REVIEW (Taos); THE TULE REVIEW 1994/00 (Sacramento); Poetry Now 1990/92 (Sacramento); POETNEWS 1994/95 (Sacramento); NO EXIT 1988 (Boulder); BOMBAY GIN 1988/90 (Boulder); SHAMBHALA SUN 92 (Boulder); THE LITERARY RENAISSANCE 1991 (Louisville); FIRST INTENSITY 1994/96 (New York); NEW AMERICAN WRITING 1995 (Chicago); ROOMS 1994/95/96/97/98/99/00/01/02 (San Francisco); SKANKY POSSUM,2000 (AUSTIN TX); CaFE Review 2001 (Maine); PERIHELION 2001 (Sacramento); RUNES 2001 (San Francisco); PATERSON LITERARY REVIEW, 2003 (New Jersey); Runes 2004 (San Francisco) Awards & Honors: New Works in Performance (Corresponding Flowers), Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission, 1985 New Works in Performance, (The Delta Poem), Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission, 1987 New Works in Performance, (A Canto for the Birds), Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission, 1994-95 Associate Artist, Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, 1994 Fellow/Artist-in-Residence, Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Smyrna Beach, FL, 1995 Naropa Institute, Poet In Residence, summer 1996 Commissioners Award for Literature (Fellowship), Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission, 1996 California Arts Council, Artist-in-Residence, 1996-99 California Arts Council Literary Fellowship (Poetry), 1997 New Works in Performance, Haibun, a commissioned work for Sacramento Taiko Dan, Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission, 1999-2000 California Arts Council, Multi-Residency (for the profoundly disabled), 2000-2003 Emerson College, Sussex, England, Poet-in-Residence, Summer 2001 Fellow/Artist-in-Residence, Centrum Foundation, Port Townsend, WA 2002 Fellow/Artist-in-Residence, The Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexico, Taos, N.M., 2004 Presenter, Nat’l Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, Baltimore, Maryland, 2005 Fellow/Artists-in-Residence, Center for Arts & Sciences, Rabun Gap, GA, 2005 Sacramento Poet Laureate, 2005-2009 Pushcart Nomination, 2011 Boards and Affiliations: Sacramento Poetry Center, Board Member 1982-2005 Founding Co-editor, Tule Review (a quarterly), Sacramento, 1996-1998 Panelist, S.M.A.C., Cultural Awards, 1988 MATRIX Center for the Arts, Sacramento, Honorary Board Member, 1996-2000 Panelist. C.A.C., Small Press Awards, 2000 Pennsylvania Council for the Humanities, Humanities Scholar, The Fire Within, a documentary film on the life and work of M.C. Richards, 2000-2002 Literary Executor to the Estate of Mary Caroline (M.C.) Richards Founding Member Panama Artists Collective, 2012 Exhibitions: Book Arts, Haystack School of Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine 1981 Student Exhibition, New College of CA, S.F., 1983 "Clay & Words", Rudolf Steiner College, Fair Oaks, 1988 "Clay & Words", Nathan Mayhew Institute, Vineyard Haven MA, 1987 "Constructions & Clay", Women Artists Today, Women's Building, S.F., 1989 "Death and Transformation", Phantom Galleries, Sacramento, 1994 "Inside Out", Arts Council Gallery, Sutter Creek, CA, 1994 "Rebirth", Phantom Galleries, Sacramento, 1995 "Night of 101 Cups", Garth Clark Gallery, New York, 1996 "Rooms With Many Voices", American River College Gallery, 1997 "Watermarks", Center or Contemporary Arts, 1997 "Voices: An Installation", Matrix Gallery 1997 "Voices: An Installation", American River College Gallery, 1998 The Matrix Members Show, 1997, 1998 Poets & Painters Series, The French Quarter, Rohnert Park, 1997 Lioness Books, New Paintings, Sacramento, 1998 Poets & Painters Series, Doubletree Inn, Rohnert Part, 1999 Poets & Painters Series, North Light Books, Cotati, CA, 2004 and 2005 “Shelf Life: Pots and Paintings”, Poet’s Gallery, Sacramento, CA 2012 Panama Artist’s Gallery, Panama Pottery, Sacramento, 2015 'Birds Of A Feather', ClayArtStudio814, Sacramento, 2015 |